You can use the PreOwnedCarAdvice Checklist during the purchase of a used car. Follow the checklist to use all the knowledge of our handbook in practice.
The wheels of a car are important for its looks and driving comfort, however, it are the parts behind the wheels that you should check carefully. Here you find the suspension, consisting out of couplings, shock absorbers and springs. You have to do a thorough visual check of these parts, especially when are buying a car without warranty or at least a fresh MOT.
When you buy a car, it is nice to have a clean interior, without spots in the upholstery and broken parts. However, these defects are easily solved with a little soap and water and some small repairs. It will become more of a problem, if the upholstery is ripped.
The tyres of a car are in plain view and therefore easy to check. In order to find out if the tyres are still in good shape, you need to check each tyre individually. Start by measuring the depth of the tread, this will give you good idea of the lifespan. Because a tyre needs a minimum of 1/16th of an inch (or 1.6 mm) tread depth for MOT approval.